Sunday 11th May 2025
Registrations for this event have closed.
Additional Information
- 3.5km - 8:00am
- 5km - 8:15am
Course Information
5km XC unsealed:
Start on Barker Terrace, Turn left onto Meares Dr then Right onto Pt Samson Road, continue along Pt Samson Roebourne Rd, passing Fisher Street, before turning right onto Cliff st. Follow the pink tags through the sand hill until you reach the beach. Follow the beach until the stairs leading to the park. Turn left and run to the Point Samson Jetty, once you've reached the end of the Jetty follow the same track back and finish your race at the Point Samson Community Hall where you started.
3.5km Sealed Road:
Start on Barker Terrace, Turn left onto Meares Dr then Right onto Pt Samson Road, continue along Pt Samson Roebourne Rd before turning right onto Fisher Street. Turn left onto Cliff street and follow back to the Pt Samson Community Hall. Continue past the Hall to the Honeymoon Cove carpark. Turn right and head towards Honeymoon Rd. Turn right onto Honeymoon continue straight, turn right onto Macleod Street then right onto Vitenbergs Drive. Follow around and join the footpath that leads to the Point Samson Jetty. Turn Left once at the Jetty and head back to Point Samson Community Hall.
Getting There & Parking
Parking available.
Check In
Check-in with the WRP Team at Point Samson Community Hall.
Event Village
7:45am – 9:30am: Play program available to those participating in the run/walk (includes Mothers Day craft)
8:00am - 3.5km walk
8:15am: 5km walk or run
Accessible parking
Accessible toilets
Pram friendly course
Toilet Facilities
Point Samson Park Toilet Block.
Entertainment and Kids Zone
Food & Beverage
Juiciest – Juice van
Wickham Primary School P&C – Bake Sale
Folk in Common – Coffee van
Samson Soft Serve
Bacon & Egg burgers
Dogs are permitted on leash