Become an event host
Local Events are at the heart of the Mother’s Day Classic. These events may be smaller in size compared to our metropolitan events, but are huge in community spirit.

Ready to Host a Local Event?
All you need to do is:

1. Apply Now
Taking the first steps to host an event is easy Sign up here

2. Plan your event
Kickstart your planning with the assistance of our dedicated team. From logistics to participant engagement, we're here to guide you through the process.

3. Community Outreach
Reach out to your local newspapers and radio stations, spread the message that your community is going pink and hosting a Mother's Day Classic.

4. Put on a show for Mother's Day
Bring your community together with activities, raffles, and encourage local businesses to participate with food stalls and entertainment. Your event is not just a walk or run; it's a celebration of community and support for those affected by breast and ovarian cancer.

5. Share your Feedback
Share your insights, suggestions, and observations with us. Your invaluable input helps us make continuous improvements.