Supporting Breast and Ovarian Cancer Research

I'm putting my foot down to stop breast and ovarian cancers in their tracks!

Support our efforts in the 2024 Mother’s Day Classic!

Our team is participating in the Mother's Day Classic, Sunday 12 May!

Together, we'll be lacing up our running shoes and taking a step forward for women's cancer research, and we'd really love your support!

We're walking the talk and joining the Mother’s Day Classic to help raise funds and awareness to fight breast and ovarian cancers.  

Tragically, 12 Australians lose their lives to these awful diseases every day. 

Please make a donation today to support our team. There’s only one way to stop breast and ovarian cancers - together!

Thank you for supporting our team.

Thank you to our Sponsors


Glenunga International High School


Salerno Family


Otto Chumvisoot


Frank & Maria Salerno



Rui's Grandfather


Connor And Family


Naomi Jaiju


William Vejo

Go girl...


Scotty T

Excellent work Abby!


Maxine And Solomon

Go Rui! Love, Max and Solly!


Ashleigh Rees

Great work, 802!




Jade Salisnew


Abby Davey




Joe Salerno


Natalie Butler


Anthea And Keith Rees

Good on you 802 champions!


Nicole Lake

Wishing the super 802 champions all the best with this challenge! Showing what it truly means to be amazing, kind and thoughtful people!



Well done 802


Darshbir Singh

Let's Go 802!




Garry Parker


Vicki And Eddie

Well done Connor! 🤩👏🏻👏🏻


Tian Love


Natalie Butler


Coco The Kelpie Lorensini

Growl, snort, bark for 802. My human tells me you are having fun running- I love it when my human takes me running and she said you needed a bit more money, so I thought I would woofy it your way. WOOF. The Coco thinks you are amazing. WOOF. CHEWEY, SNORT, SNORT, WOOF, GROWL. sending you all cuddles, Coco The Kelpie


John Love


Imogen Rees


Meredith Rees

Great work, Cassia and 802!!


Mrs Webster

You are awesome 802!!! Thank you for doing this 🩷


Daniel Huang

Good job 802!! (also is this the $3000) donation.


Jonathan Lim



Dashiell Rees

Great work 802. Go Cassia!


Rui Love


Patrick Deng


Josh F

Well done 802!


Li Love



Zera Jose



Connor’s Grandmother


Tori J

Amazing work Abby, keep it up and take care of yourself !!



Donation on behalf of our neighbour who was very impressed with the 802 project and ambition


Maple Lai

Go team 802!


Evan And Family



Russell Bartlett


Anna Wong

Best wishes in achieving your goal Team!





All the best team! A worthy cause and great effort. Drink plenty of water, it’s going to be a hot one!


Andrew Wong


Jason King


Otto's Uncle Thinh

Good job on your hard work 802!!


Kyra Staak


Noah Harvey


Macrus :d

Hi ppl



The :d in my first donation was a typo 💀



Hi ppl uh so "Marcus" is not me i dont have enough donations to get 50$ thats someone else (Thats why my name Macrus)


